Web Resolution Photos
Web Resolution Photos
Web Resolution Photos

To make you look like a rock star for finding her!
To be the BEST and EASIEST speaker you ever hire!
To generate excitement and provide organizational and life-changing information that gets talked about for years to come!
Sherene knows the life of a meeting professional is extremely stressful. You’re repeatedly asked to pull rabbits out of your hat and to do more and more with fewer and fewer resources.
Sherene lessens your stress by getting you what you need. Have a speaker selection committee? Fill out the MESSAGE SHERENE webform and request a 10-15 minute call to discuss your event and answer any questions. Sherene will then send you a proposal with video links.
Once you select Sherene, she considers herself an immediate member of your event success team. You’ll get your promotional items quickly. High resolution and Web resolution photos for your use are right here. If you’d like a customized promo video for your event or an article from Sherene for your newsletter, blog, or magazine before and/or after the event, all you need to do is ask.